The United States has long been a cornerstone of the United Nations. From funding, providing personnel and even being home to the international headquarters the U.N. has long depended on the U.S. for its existence. But the current administration has decided to increase America’s own defenses and some of the money needed to do so will come from funds traditionally earmarked for the U.N.
U.S. Ties with the U.N.
The United States has always enjoyed close ties with the United Nations. We were instrumental in forming the organization – which is why we hold a permanent seat on the Security Council and the international headquarters in New York City. But the biggest contribution is financial.
The United States contributes approximately 22 percent of the United Nation’s core operating budget of $5.4 billion. Although this figure is higher than any single contributor, it would be difficult for the administration to reduce as it is set by an agreed-upon formula and based on a member country’s economy. So the administration has found another way to achieve the savings – by reducing its contribution to peacekeeping missions. President Trump is also requesting cuts to other individual programs, even eliminating US funding altogether, for programs such as the Un Children’s Fund or UNICEF.
Peacekeeping Missions
The United Nations currently has 16 peacekeeping mission ongoing around the globe with a 2016 budget of $7.87 billion. The United States ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has announced this budget is to be cut to $7.3 billion, a savings of $500 million. Ms. Haley reported the US will save $150 million due to this reduction. Future plans are to reduce the US peacekeeping contribution from 28% to no more than 25%.
As for the other programs facing reduction or elimination administration officials point to the fact that the US routinely contributes direct aid for humanitarian projects and disaster relief. If the US is going to send Navy warships loaded with supplies to areas struck by earthquakes, tsunamis or pother natural disasters why should be also footing the bill for duplicate services by the UN?
The Reason for the Cuts
A UN spokesperson states these cuts by the United States “would simply make it impossible for the U.N. to continue all of its essential work”. But sometimes you need to ask “what have you done for me lately?” and when it comes to what the UN has done for the US the answer is very little. I do not remember any UN officials, or even member nations, helping evacuate New Orleans after the devastating flooding. Nor do I remember seeing UN officials handing out blankets or food to the homeless in LA or Philadelphia – or even their own home of NYC for that matter.
It’s a little coldhearted to cut funding for humanitarian programs or forces protecting the borders of hostile nations. But the American people made it clear they want to “Make America Great Again” and secure our borders – doing this means keeping more of our money here rather than sending it to solve similar problems in foreign lands.
Disclaimer: The content in this article is the opinion of the writer and does not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of US Patriot Tactical.